Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Apple Harvest & Processing 2024

 The apple harvest was another success, and lots of work.  We filled 3.5 crates and could have filled another but ran out of gas.  Well, the last tree was mostly too small to deal with because we didn't thin them out as we should have.  This winter will be pruning and getting better prepared for next year's work.

We washed, crushed, and pressed apples over three days to finish with 105 gallons of juice.  We canned 45 gallons of straight apple juice and started 60 gallons fermenting in our big carboys.  We've been so busy and have had tons going on so canning apple sauce and dehydrating apples didn't happen this year, just too much right now.  Hopefully, next year we'll be prepared for some canning and dehydrating.  Overall though, it's been another good apple year for us!